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Live Training Series:
The Mechanics of Money Manifestation with RJ Spina

Live Trainings on:
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday, March 30, 2025

8AM PST  -  10am CST  -  5pm CET  -  3am AEDT  (+1)

The Curriculum

Each session includes the class recording, assigned reading, worksheets, & exercises

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Session 1: Breaking Free

Live: Sunday, March 2, 2025

  • What’s the Problem with Money?

  • Why What You’re Doing isn’t Working, Obviously 

  • What You Think is Holding You Back is Not the Actual Problem

  • It Doesn't Matter What You Know

  • Intentional Use of Language

    On some level, we all know we stop ourselves. But Why? In Session 1, we will dis-spell the spiritual myths, lies, and widely accepted limitations that you subconsciously agree and align with, and therefore are limited by. We will identify and unpack the root cause of your manifestation and financial blocks in a simple to understand and concise way. By the end of the session you won't be confused why you "can't" manifest, or why your finances are the way that they are. Together we will break free from the bondage of the money matrix and you will immediately experience a new sense of freedom by making just a few small, intentional changes.

    Assigned reading and worksheets are included in this section.

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Session 2: Changing Your Trajectory

Live: Sunday, March 16, 2025

  • You’ve Been Conditioned for Failure 

  • Overcoming Lack Mentality & Victim Mentality

  • Defining Success For You 

  • Change Starts TODAY

  • The Invisible, Vital Human Muscle

    It's not your fault you're terrible with money, but it IS up to you to do something about it. By seeing our societal programming and conditioning for what it is, we can start fresh from a clean, untainted slate. From here, and with exercises to develop and strengthen the most important human muscle, we can start to align ourselves with our higher purpose and calling that includes an abundance of money.

    Assigned reading and worksheets are included in this section.

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Session 3: Commanding Energy

Live: Sunday, March 30, 2025

  • Money is Energy and So Are You 

  • Setting Your Intention to Autopilot

  • Procrastination, Doubt, & Self-Sabotage with Money

  • Maintaining Your Manifestations

    In Session 3, we will identify your true, inner-most desire and set your intention on autopilot in such a way that reaching your destination of manifestation is inevitable. Suddenly new doors and possible actions or opportunities will arise. By the end of the session you will see yourself and money clearer than ever, and you will no longer be victim to the insidious pitfalls, mistakes, procrastination, and doubts that creep in once your EMI realizes You- the Real You- is in charge and making changes for the better.

    Assigned reading and worksheets are included in this section.

Anchor 1
  • New understanding of the true nature of money - what money really is, the beliefs you’ve formed around it, and how those misidentifications are cutting you off from your ability to let it flow freely into your life. 

  • How to stop letting your ego mind sabotage your manifestations, and how you can reconnect with the unlimited creator within yourself to unlock your true manifesting power. 

  • A step by step breakdown of the order of creation, so your daily actions are in alignment with the highest frequencies of creation.

  • A tangible understanding of how your personal reality is created and how we can create and fulfill any reality we desire to experience. 

  • The way to tell if what you want is a result of something that was programmed into you, or if it is a desire that originates from the true self. 

  •  Insights to:

    • The unconscious that are killing your manifestations 

    • Why wanting is the quickest way to never manifest 

    • Manifesting in a peaceful state without stress or worry

  • And so much more!


What You'll Get

Learn the Fundamentals of Money Manifestation

What's Included:

  • Exclusive invite to Three (3) 75-minute trainings with RJ, taught live via Zoom

  • The Money Manifestation Fundamentals PDF guide and worksheets, 21+ Pages

  • Brand new exercises & protocols (not shared in any other Manifestation program by RJ)

  • ​​​Daily & Weekly Assignments

  • Bonus subliminal sound tracks

  • Lifetime access to the Ascend the Frequencies Academy Community (2,000+ members)

  • Lifetime access to the class recordings and PDFs

  • And more!

About the Instructor

RJ Spina

RJ Spina is an internationally published 3-time best-selling author whose revolutionary books and videos have changed the lives of millions all over the globe. His debut book Supercharged Self Healing (November 2021) is already in its 10th printing selling over 30,000 copies.
He has created three multi-million dollar businesses - from nothing-  all in less than 4 years with no loans, no investors, and without a team of employees. He tangibly understands the enlightened metaphysics of manifestation at the highest levels. Through his unconventional teaching style which prioritizes tangible and practical exercises and protocols, his students achieve extraordinary results that weren't previously possible through the many other modalities they have tried.
RJ Spina is a humanitarian award winner who has personally counseled thousands of students and has hosted in-person workshops and retreats throughout the United States. His online university, the Ascend the Frequencies Academy, is a safe haven for all who seek the truth. It is a vast warehouse of enlightened teachings and an oasis of higher consciousness.  

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"Just as I manifested my health and overcame permanent chest-down paralysis and life-threatening conditions in just 100 days exactly as I predicted I would, manifestation in all its forms – including health, wealth, and success - is a repeatable and teachable science....  


I am impelled and compelled to share this wisdom and have dedicated my life to the freeing of humanity on all levels. I hope to see you soon." - RJ Spina

Anchor 2

Join the Live Trainings

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Dates: Sundays- March 2, 16 & 30, 2025
 Live via Zoom
When: 10:00am CST
Duration: 75 minutes
Investment: $287 USD
Class Recordings: Available via Ascend the Frequencies Academy


  • ​​Non-Refundable
  • Access to PDFs and course material starts March 2, 2025

Join for only $287!

By purchasing, you are agreeing to the terms & conditions of Ascend the Frequencies
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