Beyond Enlightenment:
Authentic Self-Mastery Course
Pre-Recorded Online Course
Recordings from the live 2024 class
RJ has condensed his higher consciousness wisdom and knowledge along with the advanced teachings he mastered into this truly unique, one-of-a-kind, transformational Self-Mastery Class.
This advanced level of coaching, energetic protocols, and guidance towards self-realization, freedom and renewed health is designed to turbo charge your self-realization, release old patterns of limitation and help you live the fullest, most joyous and successful life possible.
Course Curriculum
In this advanced, (hidden) higher knowledge based accelerated program, RJ will teach the following curriculum:
The Twelve Eternal Truths
The Twelve Tenets of Self-Mastery
The Four Levels of Self-Realization
The Thirteen Original Ascended Masters
Course Includes:
16 sessions: 75-min pre-recorded zoom classes
Weekly Written Learning Materials
Weekly Assignments & Practices
Lifetime Access to Class Recordings
New Learning System: The Ascend the Frequencies Academy
New Community Chat Feature
24-7 Online Course/ App Access
20+ Hours of Training

What is Self-Mastery?
Human incarnation into the low frequencies of the physical universe within our current timeline is extremely challenging.
All of us experience unrelenting financial pressures, severe societal conditioning, and extreme brainwashing. We are the targeted recipients of constant trauma-based mind control and unrelenting fear-based negative bombardment from every possible angle...even angles and frequencies human beings are completely unaware of.
Self-Mastery does not remove you from the human experience. It affords you the ability to greatly minimize, if not totally transcend its affects upon you – in a very real, practical, and moment-to-moment way.
Mounting bills, rising prices, less personal freedom, strained relationships, non-stop politicizing, job pressures, and tighter controls on making a living is not going away.
What does go away through Self-Mastery is your debilitating and demoralizing identification to it.
Self-Mastery gives you the ever present, moment-to-moment ability to always be rooted in something far greater and infinitely more powerful than just your beliefs, wants, intellect, and physical body.
Self-Mastery gives you direct access, utilization, and unification with the eternal, immortal, and undefeatable I AM.
Self-Mastery carries you across hurricane waters with joy and lightness in your heart and a clear mind... No more perpetual exhaustion or confusion due to your human character swimming harder and harder against a current that doesn’t exist.
It - Self-Mastery- is always and already within you.
These teachings and this course exist to simply remind you about yourself.
Student Success
S.H -
I have been working with and teaching Reiki for over two decades and yet what I've learned in your Self Mastery class completely blew me away. I now have a much deeper appreciation for what energy is, where it comes from and how best to work with it. I now know what it means to tangibly experience something. It is simply indescribable and life changing!!! It has completely evelated me and my energy to a level beyond my imagination.
Having been through the class, starting on the first day I knew right away this teaching is ABSOLUTELY INVALUABLE!!! After the first class, I said to my husband, this class is worth every single penny and more!!! Once you have learned from RJ there is no question who you are and how powerful you are!
There is no way you can ever put a price on Timeless Teaching! The level of Wisdom, Love and Truth RJ gives in his classes will forever change your life, not just this life, but for all lives into eternity. Ask yourself this question, if there is an opportunity to learn from Source, a true Master who is in incarnation, would you not do whatever it takes to be a student of his. I would describe RJ as "otherworldly!" RJ's teaching has made all others seem trivial. My investment going forward will be learning from RJ; for his teaching is my investment to my own soul's evolution. Thank you Master R! You are truly a Timeless teacher of Humanity. Thank you for your incarnation and embodiment of love, wisdom and truth!
To everyone out there, give yourself the gift of Truth, Love and Wisdom by learning from a true master, Master RJ.
M.I -
If You are on the Journey/Path to Self Discovery, Self Love, tired of being the seeker, playing games with yourself and want to be with a Real Master at the Round Table.... THIS IS IT!
S.V -
I have worked with RJ since 2022 and because of his teachings and in particular Self-Mastery ( this is my second time taking the class and the life changing teachings are now knowing and deeply imbedded in my life and living ), my life has been up-leveled , transformed and improved in inexplicable ways.
I live more in flow and harmony, my Ego-mind-identity is like an annoying gnat that buzzes around my head but is nothing compared to the sunshine that is who and what I really am.
I feel my grandness and expanded state and I have room for it all and have love and compassion for all beings here ( myself included). I have much more clarity and understanding about what goes on in this low frequency learning module (the current version of earth), and I know my part is to live and love fully … trusting that I AM is in charge of this incarnation. And as the current expression and wave of (SV.) this time I will grow, evolve and become more of who and what I really am, and leave the character habits, programs, and addictions behind.
My greatest wish would be that Self-Mastery would be taught in schools around the world. Had we all been blessed with this knowing, training and wisdom at a young age, the world would instantly repair itself and humans would act in accordance with the laws of the I AM God self in action. How could we harm another if we are all one? I know it now and I will apply that wisdom now. And make up for lost time.
RJ’s extraordinary teachings make this tangibly known to all who choose to live emancipated lives of love, power, wisdom and clarity. Once we take these course we get to apply this timeless wisdom to our lives, families, work, friends and especially ourselves.
The greatest teaching is to know thy self and thy infinite potential. And love thy Self. Imagine a world full of humans who love themselves and know who they are? That possibility exists and that reality comes true one at a time as we take action on our knowing. I am beyond grateful.
T.S -
I've taken many courses on spirituality, western psychology, yoga, eastern philosophies, and self-improvement. This Self-Mastery course is beyond any program that I've experienced.
Listening to RJ speak on the Eternal Truths and the tenets of Self-Mastery, feels like being activated on many levels, as if awakening from a deep slumber. Hearing RJ offer his perspective on practical life scenarios during Merlin's Roundtable sessions is an experience of enlightenment itself.
Through RJ's sharings, I am able to tap into 'rememberings'... as it feels familiar, ancient, and somehow I know it to be true. Such wisdom, or gnosis, catapults me to a higher place of viewing reality.
And through the return of such felt, tangible knowings of what I know to be true, I have a clear reference point of knowing truth within my everyday life. This is so vital especially in navigating our everyday reality during this wild, shifting time in our world.
RJ's wisdom doesn't come from books, analysis of papers or studies. What he shares comes from a depth that I have never witnessed before. One can clearly sense this listening to ultimately its awakening something within me. Taking this course, places into my own hands a gift that allows me a level of clarity, tenderness and power that I feel is essential in thriving in today's world. THIS is what self-care is truly about: Remembering who you are!
I highly recommend this course (which is really an experience!) to anyone who is seeking more than this material world's empty promises. Be warned that this course may induce feelings of Awe! Aha! As well as tears, vomit, laughter, as we purge and awaken to who we truly are!
S.R -
I can’t even begin to express the brilliance and importance of this program. It is everything I was looking for (and more) to accelerate my spiritual development, strengthen my meditation practice and viscerally enhance the quality of my life. RJ is a genuine master of the mind, body and spirit. And If you are disciplined and diligent enough with the practice, his teachings will naturally (and inevitably) lead you into the "now," "presence," and "flow state" so many books and gurus talk about but few are able to translate into a direct, tangible experience for us. This course has not only taught me how to meditate properly. It has radically improved the way I live my daily life and empowered me to help others struggling with all manner of ailments, challenges and setbacks ( including stage 4 cancer)
M.M -
This program is different from others I have taken in the past because, although the scheduled meetings have been completed, it is a life long course. Every time I play them back I gain a new comprehension of something I thought I already understood. It is also the most empowering course I have ever taken. Throughout the class RJ never claimed superiority over others and never took credit when a student made progress. I believe his goal from teaching this class is that we realize how powerful each of us really is.
A.E -
Now that I have much more clarity, I can see that this particular class is the foundation for what is to come into the area of Metaphysics and Alchemy for those of us who want to move beyond the ordinary in Spirituality and find our individual life purpose…
I can wholeheartedly recommend this class to anyone who wants to find their own path and purpose during these trying times we are all facing together. This weekly class has been like an anchor for me, into a reality that I only wish to explore much deeper now.
Thank you RJ for your dedication to Humanity at this time…
KG – Got off of 25 years of antidepressants, decreased MS symptoms
SB – overcame a 30+ year old sexual addiction and finally find peace from sexual abuse
AB – lowered his A1C by week 12 to pre-diabetic levels
SH- bought the company she worked for with over 200 employees
SR- overcame stage 4 cancer, in remission now for over 2 years
EM- “15 years of PTSD has left me”
Student backgrounds vary from stay at home moms, single parents, entrepreneurs, unemployed people, scientists, holistic doctors and naturopaths, energy healers, crypto/ day traders, financial advisors, professional actors/ actresses, professional athletes, writers at the Wall Street Journal, and more!
Course Curriculum
In this advanced, (hidden) higher knowledge based accelerated program, RJ will teach the following curriculum:
The Twelve Eternal Truths
The Twelve Tenets of Self-Mastery
The Four Levels of Self-Realization
The Thirteen Original Ascended Masters
Course Includes:
16 sessions: 75-min pre-recorded zoom classes
Weekly Written Learning Materials
Weekly Assignments & Practices
Lifetime Access to Class Recordings
New Learning System: The Ascend the Frequencies Academy
New Community Chat Feature
24-7 Online Course/ App Access
20+ Hours of Training
Retail Price: $7650
Save 50% ($3,825.00 savings) for a limited time
If you are ready to discover, understand, and experience authentic self-mastery within you, do not waste another moment.